Hi,Concept is very simple, GRE tunnels source and destination must be reachable via any means for GRE tunnels to work.IP address on GRE tunnels can be unnumbered to other physical or loopback interface or can be configured with static (ip address i.i...
Hi Jeffery,Share sho mpls l2transport vc detail from PE2 alsoTry to do "no mpls ip" and "mpls ip" from global - to restart mpls service. Then share sho mpls l2transport vc detail from both PE1 and PE2
For VSAT , mostly it might be due to latacy and its drop. Try ping with additonal "wait" in extened ping.Also looks like, CRC error on the link.. 215 input errors, 215 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored Check for proper connectivity.