Nikos Nicolaides
Level 1
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Member since ‎10-07-2008

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Hello team, After all this fuss about the IKE vulnerability, we have to upgrade all of our clients. The good thing is that everyone will (hopefully) have one IOS version! We are currently facing an issue with one customer who has a pair of 5505s wi...
Hello, I am working in a team as part as a managed service/cloud provider, and I am thinking of recommending Cisco to our MSP portfolio. Does Cisco provide solutions for cloud providers? Something like managed firewall/IPS?
Hello, I have an ASA firewall pair configured as active/standby but the previous administrator did not configure the failover state. The current active firewall is the secondary. What do I need to configure in order for a successful implementation of...
Hello community,I had a spanning-tree issue a while ago with 3 switches and I am cracking my head of why this happened. I need an explenation for future reference.I had a 3750 acting as a L3 switch and a 2960 trunked behind the 3750. All switches had...
Hello,We have WiSM for WLAN deployed in our premises and we are going to open a new branch. I was thinking to install a Cisco 897VA router in the new branch but I would like centralised wireless management managed by the WiSM controller. My question ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-07-2008 10:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-14-2017 06:59 AM
Posts 133
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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