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Member since ‎01-19-2011

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Isn't that vulnerability not vulnerability at all on N7K or N77K ? If you're authenticated as admin, then you can easily switch to shell and execute root level commands. You can also execute scripts with root privileges, so why does it list N7K and N...
Hi,I'm having problem getting ICMP echo monitoring on outside interface to work. I've set: icmp permit host monitoring_station_adress outside but I still get: %ASA-3-313001: Denied ICMP type=8, code=0 from monitoring_station_adress on interface outsi...
Hi Everybody,After an upgrade from LMS 4.2 to 4.2.1 Legacy menu is completly empty. Anyone resolved this? Is it a bug? If it's empty, how to get to some of DFM options (like rediscovery, discovery status etc.) They seem not present in "Site map".Gree...
Hi,Does anybody know why this same kind of bug/error/software fault exist in LMS 4.2 as it was in LMS 3.2 ? Why after a while after discovery of devices (state is "Known") DFM drops the state of devices to "Learning" and it stucks forever. Restarting...
Hi,Is it possible to install LMS 4.2 in multiserver mode but with possibility to select installed components/applications? I'm talking about Solaris version. I can't see such an option. It will install all the components on every server which I don't...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-19-2011 07:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-21-2024 12:45 AM
Posts 42
Total Helpful Votes Received 80