Douglas Holmes
Level 1
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Member since ‎05-13-2010

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  • 100 Posts
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I have been installing certificates on my ASA's using Base64 PKCS12 files since 9.1 code using command line.  Never a problem.  Upon upgrading to 9.16 code, I can no longer enter my Base64 file via command line.  It works in ASDM.  I read and re-read...
I have been writing some scripts for FXOS installation.  I have them done, but can't figure out a character if one exists that tells the OS to ignore the rest of the line (comment lines).  In ASA or IOS it is the "!" and in Linux it is the "#".  Or m...
ASA configured for AnyConnect to use certificates for authentication.   The command "show crypto ikev2 sa" shows the following:Tunnel-id Local                                               Remote                                                  Statu...
I have been having some trouble getting a site to site tunnel working using IKEV2 certificates.  I have one working tunnel and another that is not.  Get the "self signed not acceptable".  Only that isn't really the case.  Certs on both devices signed...
Setup an ASA and enabled FIPS mode.  Can no longer connect via ASDM.  Set the DH group to 24, and set the encryption for all to FIPS.  Able to connect after I turn off enable FIPS and can't connect when I turn it on.  Has anyone worked through this i...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-13-2010 11:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-12-2024 12:12 AM
Posts 100
Total Helpful Votes Received 22
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