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Member since ‎07-25-2011

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Hi,I have to build HA environment, at the moment we have only one R1 and WAN1 but company wants to buy R2 + WAN2 and have HA between the routers, in case R1 or WAN1 goes down the other router will take over.What would be standard methodology nowadays...
Hi, I am planning to replace phone exchange, and thinking on something with VOIP system, my main requirements are:- 2 isdn lines for backup- 4 voip lines- up to 15 userswoud uc500 be a good solution or would you recommend anything else?Thanks
Hi,There is a need to replace faster cisco switches.What I have at the minute is:uc500, esw520 and few 500 series switches which have only 2 1Gbit interface, the setup is like that connections from switch is going to cisco phone (vlan 150) and from p...
I have about 100 vlans in my network, what would be the best way to block intra vlans routing but allow the internet, the only option that I can see is to deploy separate acls to every subinterface and deny and permit particular traffic, but that inv...
If I have block of ip addresses assigned by my isp then is it possible to specify outbount traffic going out different ip addres from 1 of my vlan as oposed to 1st default public address from my range of ip addresses?
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Member Since ‎07-25-2011 02:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 60