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Member since ‎02-07-2006

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Greetings folks! wanted to check in with other fellow CCE Engineers on their experience with CUIC 11.5 in a UCCE Deployment. We just got done standing up UCCE 11.5 with CUIC - Build For those already aware, CUIC 11.5 now has a brand ...
Folks,  I am in the process of standing up a CCE 11.5 environment with virtualized voice browser (VVB). I am not finding any documentation surrounding the licensing details surrounding VVB. Anyone have any input/ feedback on how licensing (if any) is...
Folks, I have an interesting issue with Cisco Jabber. Here is the setup - CUCM - 10.5 Cluster 1 x Pub2 x Sub's (Voice & Video) 2 x Sub's (IM & Presence)  Jabber for MAC version - 10.5.1  When all the users are assigned to the same Presence Server the...
 Folks, So I have an interesting issue. I have whisper configured and it works well, my problem starts when I send the call to a CVP Audium App after my whisper and Queue to Skill Group.  So here is the flow  ICM (Set Variables) --> Run Ext Script --...
Hello folks, As you are aware Cisco officially stated that Device Targets are depreciated as of UCCE 9.0 and have recommended the use of Agent Targeting Rules as opposed to the legacy Device Target method.  I was wondering if there is any situation w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-07-2006 08:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 69
Total Helpful Votes Received 49