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Member since ‎02-19-2007

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Hi All,     as with my previous is am starting this thread as a help in configuring the Mobile Concierge Service.As the solution is new the documentation is a little light in detail so this is obviously a good place to document in more detail the set...
Hi all,     it seems that alot of us around the world are having issues getting the Location Analytics up and running.  So i thoguht that i would start a thred that we can all use to assit each other and document the proceedure.What is required for L...
Hi Guys,     I have just setup a new PI 1.3 and MSE 7.4.100 and 5508 7.3My WLC is added into PI and is "reachable"My MSE is added into PI is reachable and is sync'edThe CAS on MSE is showing as upI have added maps and coverage areas and the sync stat...
Hi Guys,Am well out of my depth and was looking for some advice on providing ethernet over a customers existing coxial network. EoC.The customer is a large holiday resort who provide via coxial cable, TV to each of their cabins.The system that they h...
Guys,Am looking to do a very large mesh deployment and need to know if the 1550's AP and the 3502's in Enterprise Mesh mode are compatible with each other.What i mean by this is, can i mix and match my deployment where i need to between the 1552 and ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-19-2007 12:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-20-2018 06:02 AM
Posts 83
Total Helpful Votes Received 55
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