Roberto Soto
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎04-15-2013

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  • 8 Posts
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Hello Community,I've been trying to setup a PPPoE session from my home. I own a 871W which is connected from its fastethernet 4 WAN interfaces to a ADLS modem provided by my ISP. I having difficulties understanding the difference betwen my f4 and dia...
Hello, in my home lab, I have a Cisco 871W named cants. I connected cants to my BT (ISP) router (BT.homeblahblah) using the wan link f 4, then I created a vlan 2 and assign it to por f1 on the 871 router. Im unable to ping from that vlan to router 19...
Hello, I know this is a common question? but I couldnt find an answer to mine. R1#copy running-config startup-configDestination filename [startup-config]? 4152013%Error copying nvram:4152013 (Invalid argument)I know that if I press enter it will save...
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Member Since ‎04-15-2013 02:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-15-2023 12:04 AM
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