The animated holiday theme on WebEx Devices was a nice addition, it would be cool to see more animated themes in the future. Did anyone else like it? I think it was only on Beta or Preview firmware last time.
I have noticed that when testing the latest Jabber 12.8.2 it is not letting me "leave space" on the majority of all chat sessions. This issue is not seen in 12.8.1 version.
I’m seeing this issue in Jabber 12.6 where intermittently ldap directory search won’t work. Then you restart app and usually it comes up fine. Is anyone else seeing this?
I am doing a PCD upgrade for the IMP servers and it cannot continue after the first server because the (PAWS) service is down amongst a few others on the primary. Using the 12.5(1) latest upgrade file. What is the fix for this Cisco?
Hi there,
I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with the OneDrive integration with WebEx?
I have a test site setup and the option to enable OneDrive integration is selected, however I cannot see any option to actually share content from On...
I am still able to see the "Start Video" option when using WebEx Events Classic. Almost sounds like the Video option was disabled under: Event > Options > Communications.
From reading another post it seems the file "" might be where this info of device priority stored. Is it possible the application is having some trouble saving to this file because of permissions on the machine.Maybe one way to ...
Also noticing that the badges aren’t in here which are on Credly. I see only one on but have others from Cisco associated to the same Credly account. Is there a way to refresh it?
That doesn't solve the problem "Delete Unassigned DN" just lets you delete all the DNs that are unassigned. That is a risky thing to do, Tom is asking if you can upload a file with specific DNs and delete just those. Is there a way to do that?