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Member since ‎12-27-2007

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I have a server which is on a network and have users located in another network - I need these (192.168) users to be able to reach this server. Assuming that the INSIDE network is the network I assume I want...
We have a 5550 ASA firewall with no natting implemented at all EXCEPT for one ip address which is being statically NATTED (eg to Our ASDM shows an already existing natting for the entire internal network ( /16) natt...
Have pair of ASA5550 firewalls linked as failover pair. Getting the above message in the logs every few mins. The address is the inside interface. Does this message mean that there's a mismatch in the arp cache for this mac address (ie it ha...
Fundamental issue here - must be me - I have a laptop plugged into the inside interface of my pix firewall (Pix 501). I have set up an ACL to deny icmp echo and icmp echo-reply FROM the laptop address TO the ip address of the inside interface. I have...
ASDM Cannot be loaded - Unconnected sockets not supportedWas working last week ok ? What does this mean?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-27-2007 02:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 60
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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