Debra Chittick
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎11-02-2011

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  • 183 Posts
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I'm looking into creating a wall board for our call counts and i would like to know what query I would use to find call counts for each of our SIP trunks. Possibly separate by inbound and outbound counts. Total per current day, per last 7 days, per l...
Hi,I'm looking into creating a wall board for our call counts and i would like to know what query I would use to find call counts for each of our SIP trunks.  Possibly separate by inbound and outbound counts.  Total per current day, per last 7 days, ...
What is the retention time for IM messages in Jabber (MAC and Windows)?  Is there a way to set this to a specific amount of days so that I can age out older IMs?Thank you,Debbie
I'm looking for information on extension plans that used by other enterprise level companies who have multiple sites in multiple countries.  We have a 5 digit extension plan that no longer suits our purposes and I'd like to hear how other multi-natio...
Is there a limitation of characters in a String variable?I'm trying to create an email within my script and when I paste my text into my parameter, which is a String variable, it will only paste up to 80 characters (including spaces). In 7.0 I was ab...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-02-2011 09:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-20-2021 12:05 AM
Posts 183
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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