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Member since ‎03-05-2009

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I am trying to connect my onsite ASA to a remote ASA and without success. I have done the before to another 3rd Party and it works.Does anybody see anything wrong with the configuration that was sent to me to input into my ASA other than what I XXX o...
Can anyone help me out with this question. I am talking to an ISP about connecting three sites back to a central site for Internet Access.We want all the Internet traffic to flow through the main site for provisioning of that traffic for QOS on the f...
I have serveral 1130AG AP that when they are configured to use LWAPP all of my Motorola Handheld scanners connect to the SSIDs fine. When I have some that are on Autonomous then the scanners will not connect at all. I have upgraded a test 1130AG to t...
Is this the correct model of ASA to be able to get DHCP for at least 100 addresses.
I have a 1130AG that has never been used. I cannot get it to see the WLC 2504 controller. It does pull a DHCP address. With the help of others here, I got the 3502I APs working.Has anyone seen this issue before.                  
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Member Since ‎03-05-2009 05:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-11-2018 12:18 PM
Posts 110