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Member since ‎04-17-2005

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HiI'm playing around with IPSec site to site VPN's using certificates.I load the CA root certificate onto each ASA and then enroll manually for an Identity certificate.  I have a Win2008 CA and I use the Advanced Certificate request then IPSec (Offli...
Hi On it states that if you put the 16 port card into performance mode only 4 ports are useable.  If I read correctly...
HiI have a customer who requires to identify and police traffic on egress on a 3560 trunk link.  I cannot use ingress classifications because we do not know what route the traffic will take yet.  The egress interface connects to multipoint wireless e...
HiI'm trying to find out the options for authenticating remote users via IMEI and MISDN values via ACS 5.3I'm unfamiliar with the Radius attribute options here and what kind of request/response we can utilise.  Also previously I could define IP pools...
HiI've added a new subnet to an ACL for l2l VPN traffic.  I am not in control of the other end but the 3rd party assures me their acl matches.  However the new traffic does not cross the VPN.When I do a packet tracer on the new subnet traffic I see t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-17-2005 05:53 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:57 AM
Posts 78
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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