Paul Zon
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Member since ‎12-03-2012

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Hello,Im trying to export the config file from call manager v8.6 and import it to version 9.1.I can export it without any errors but once I try to import it to 9.1 it gives me loads of errors.I'm doing for the whole cucm configuration.Is it because t...
Hi,I'm having an issue in one open space area with a wifi network.I currently have 5 access points and around 100 users connected to the WiFi.There are desktops, Ipads and Mobile users connected to it.13,24,16,41,9 are the associated users to each ac...
Hello,Already search but didn't find anything related to this issue/bug.I'm having this issue with one IP Communicator in one of our remote sites.The phone was working fine and sundly got a black screen. I already unistall and install the CIPC but st...
Hello,I have a sip trunk configured on one site and it doesn't have a back tone.For example when someone wants to join a conference call or forward a call it doesn't hear the tone and digits are not sent.I already look into this community to find my ...
Hello,I'm just trying to get the Guest Customized Web with no authentication configured on my WLC 5508 but I'm having some problems.I downloaded from Cisco an example of webauth bundle (login.tar). then I uploaded to the controller and it was sucessf...
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Member Since ‎12-03-2012 03:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:57 AM
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