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Member since ‎05-29-2002

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Dear All ,I use IDS Sensor 4230 with version 3.1(3)S44 , and unix director version 2.2.3 S44 . The problem is that some of the events in the packetd on the director are displayed by their event numbers not by their name like the most . This is new an...
I need to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic on pix , like what are the current sessions , how many connections is coming to every ip , etc ..Does anyone know a tool of doing this ?I have pix 520 ver 6.1.4Thanks for your help
dear all ,I have applied IDS shunnig on the PIX firewall lately instead of the router , and it works fine . But the problem is that automatic shunnig on pix doesn't shun the whole IP , but instead it shuns the combination of source IP with the source...
I use IDS sensor version 3.1(3)S36 , and pix version 6.1(4) , and I am trying to do shunning on pix using telnet . But I face the following problem in the errors.managed :12/17/2002 13:32:06UTC E Read error [Operation now in progress] fd [3]12/17/200...
I am studing for my CCIE LAB, I am experiencing a problem in configuting FR in HUB-SPOKE topology..I have the classic problem of the HUB being able to reach all SPOKEs, but SPOKES can not reach each other. I have already created PVCs in the HUB to ea...
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Member Since ‎05-29-2002 06:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
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