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Member since ‎03-15-2009

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Hi:     My customer wants to dump BGP table statistics to a remote server, including the BGP routes, neighbor up/down, BGP table incremental informations. The event manager should be able to detect the change, but how can I send the information out o...
HI:    I want the N3064 interface to obtain ip address from a DHCP server, but I couldn't find "ip address dhcp" command on the switch, and I neither could find it on the configuration guide for other nexus platforms. It seems the DHCP is only used d...
HI: all     During a test, we found the N5K attached FEX will override all the DSCP marking to 0  for the class-default traffic. Based on my understanding, the N5K will enable the qos trust on all access port by defual. But how about I configure a po...
Hi       My customer is only using SNMPV2 on the Nexus 7000, but they got a SNMPV3 user everytime when they create a user on the Nexus switch, becauseof  the AAA/SNMP sychronization feature. Anybody knows how to disable this V3 user account on the ne...
Hi: all      I have a route leaking question on N7K VRFs. I created two VRFs on N7K, and need to control the route leaking between them. I successful did it with "export map  ****" command, but when I use the "import map ****", it is not working. fro...
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Member Since ‎03-15-2009 02:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 9