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Member since ‎10-31-2008

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HI we have 3845 model voice  router. IOS: c3845-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T6.binI want to know do we need SRST license separately or IOS version will support SRST.  
Hi , I have cisco 3945 Router and IOS version c3900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.M4.bin"this router is a VXML gateway configured for UCCE setup. My requirement is,whenever the VXML gateway not able to reach CVP it plays survivability.tcl script and log t...
Hi , we have call manager 8.6 version integrated with UCCE 9.x setup. the issue is call lands on one queue in UCCE and agents transfer to another queue  through CTI Route point in call manager and some times user says call transfer to another queue f...
HI, We have call manager cluster 8.6 version and there are 5 nodes in the cluster. I could see CDR files generated in the subscriber nodes but it is not uploaded publisher node CDR repository . I am not seeing any CDR files in Publisher preserve fold...
Hi, we are facing incoming/outgoing voice issue some times in one of our location with PSTN calls.when we check the router we get DSP allocation error. I have attached sh voice dsp group all, sh voice dsp detailed output. please suggest what is wrong...
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Member Since ‎10-31-2008 03:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-03-2017 01:53 AM
Posts 130
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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