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Member since ‎02-15-2001

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  • 161 Posts
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  • 18 Helpful votes Received
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We have configured our device to use Specific License Reservation (offline method) and reserved a performance license for this device, however, two other feature licenses show as NOT AUTHORIZED. How can I resolve this issue and what is causing these ...
I have configured BGP aggregate addresses for RFC1918 address space on our WAN routers towards our core switches to reduce the routing tables sizes on our LAN devices.  I have configured an unsuppress-map on our WAN peering to allow our local network...
We have a small lab for testing consisting of a  single hub site and two branch sites.  There are two MPLS clouds (MPLS1 and MPLS2) and all three sites are connected to both transports.  We are running a voice stream at 87K (dscp ef), a TCP stream at...
I have an IWAN lab built in VIRL to learn more about the technology.  I removed the IPsec tunnel protection to have a look at some packet captures and noticed all the traffic is encapsulated as EtherType 0x8909 (SGT).  This only reverts to GRE if I r...
I have seen that SHA-1 has been broken and the threat of forged certificates is now very real. How does this affect IPsec VPN's that are using SHA-1 as the hash and should we immedialty plan to migrate all VPN's using this technology?  I have been d...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-15-2001 03:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 161
Total Helpful Votes Received 18
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