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Member since ‎10-10-2006

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Hello TeamIs there such a thing as OC-x over Ethernet, or only OC-x over Sonet?Thank you
Hello All, Looking for some guidance in order to develop a green field project, and appreciate any inputs. Client wants to virtualize most of his corporate applications, mainly microsoft deployment such as AD, Exchange, Webserver, DNS, NTP, FTP, etc....
All, We have a scenario where guests will be authenticated against the ISE or NAC Guest server, and customer will place an IronPort to provide web security, however, we can not find referentes whether IronPort can or cannot integrate with Guest Serve...
Customer wants to place a single 1552E to cover a particular area in his campus, and it will be placed on a tower, and the question is concerning the height. I can not find any particular height limitation such as 5 meters, 10 meters, etc. I understa...
I have a customer running WCS on a windows server plataform (physical server), and want to move to cisco prime (UCS 210), however I can not find a migration guide in order to keep the backup, once the cisco prime will be virtualized in another server...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-10-2006 12:04 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-17-2019 07:34 PM
Posts 58
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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