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Member since ‎12-01-2004

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HiI have a CISCO 2921 router , today it auto reboot two times. I user show version command and see have a crash message "0x21A6DD74".Does anyone know what is mean??thanks a lot!!System returned to ROM by error - a Software forced crash, PC 0x21A6DD74...
HI~i get this log, i don't know whick port is "Phyport 7"?? Can help me?thx~                   Oct  5 07:32:18.009 CTT: %C4K_HWPORTMAN-4-BLOCKEDTXQUEUE: Blocked transmit queue HwTxQId0 on Switch Phyport 7, count=1F12ASVR-4507-1#sh modChassis Type : W...
I can't identify the real ip address from the local wlc if the client associated to the "guest-tunnel ssid", I can only see from the local one. The real ip address appears only on the anchor wlc. Is it correct? And if there is any method that...
We saw this syslog on ASA5585 with version 8.4(1). I have two HA firewall pairs (contains 4 ASA5585, active/standby), and I saw this message on the standby ones.Jun  7 07:36:26 last message repeated 4 timesJun  7 07:36:26 :Ju...
From the 4510R/Sup5, I issued the "show mac-address-table" and saw a field "protocol", which included ip,ipx,others. What does it mean?P.S This switch acts as a pure layer2 switch only.
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Member Since ‎12-01-2004 04:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-17-2021 12:16 AM
Posts 15