Eric Boadu
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-06-2005

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Hello Team,Has any one had experience with RedBack SmartEdge router and how do you configure NAT/PAT on it. I am having problem getting Nat/Pat work. My Cisco router NAT/PAT config is working great except RedBack and do not have much experience with ...
Hey guys,I have Cisco PIX 515E for my Lab and can't recover the password. It is not connected to the network. I have configured server, address, gateway from the monitor mode and tftp not seeing my laptop. Any idea and best way to reset or recover pa...
I have been instructed to put firewall in front of servers that connected to LAN switch. I do not manage this switch it manages by another team. All four servers are connected to separate VLAN on the switch with 1Gig speed. Server A: 10.10.5.x. Serve...
I have been instructed to put firewall in front of servers that connected to LAN switch. I do not manage this switch it manages by another team. All four servers are connected to separate VLAN on the switch with 1Gig speed. Server A: 10.10.5.x. Serv...
Hello guys,Can I use the external IP address to established (remote peer) IPSec L2L tunnel without physically assigning to the outside interface? Right now outside interface is private facing ISP. I don’t have the leverage to add router. Please let m...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-06-2005 12:35 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2019 12:17 AM
Posts 161
Total Helpful Votes Received 14
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