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Member since ‎09-28-2004

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Hi all, recently deployed a Pair of Cisco 1921 with HWIC-4SHDSL-E  in Slot 0 at both ends Cpe and CO. Below is a snapshot of the configuration from the CO end. The roles are stricttly at Layer 2. However, the link always keep up and down and I have r...
Dear Expert,Is it possible to use Ciscoworks that I can grep the description of of key work "connect to Video Conference" If yes, what items I can choose in Ciscoworks?interface FastEthernet0/4description connect to Video Conferenceswitchport access ...
Hello expert,I have two site that has a copper wire (2 wire) connection between each router ( No Telco in between )Now I want to use 1921 router with HWIC-4SHDSL-E card to connect these two ste together.Can I use attach configuration to make the conn...
Dear all,I have two site that has a copper wire ( 2 wire) connection between each router ( No Telco in between ). Now I want to use 1921 router with HWIC-4SHDSL-E card to connect these two site together. Can I use attach configuration to make the con...
Dear all,I found that when I enabled layer 2 auto QoS in 3560 switch, I need to wait so much time to open a file in network drive. Howerver, when I disable the Qos. It can improve a lot. I have used a sniffer to capture the packet to see. Those defau...
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Member Since ‎09-28-2004 12:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:00 AM
Posts 121