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Level 2
Member since ‎02-16-2009

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Hi, Just testing route leaking between GRT+VRF using import+export ipv4 unicast - From a PE, I am able to ping prefixes in the VRF and in GRT, but prefixes learned from another PE(Also doing route leaking) are unreachable (Prefixes that are part of t...
Hi, Have an unusual problem with prefix redistribution using route-map and PL The supernet prefix for some reason is not being tagged with communities, and so, isnt being redistributed to our RR's - Smaller prefixes within the supernet are being tagg...
Hi Everyone,We have an AGG port(Standard trunk port) to a carrier on a 4500X - Port has multiple customer vlans for p-t-p eth services.A service they have released will allow us to connect to azure/office 365 via QinQ(Carrier doing QinQ, not us) - i....
Hi, Earlier this morning, both our C170's stopped accepting incoming connections on 25...Incoming mail has a public listener (port 25), interface is correct (data 2 / External)...any suggestions/ideas what could have caused both to stop accepting con...
Hi Guys,Im learning 2 default routes from upstream providers via eBGP (plus full tables) on one PE, and I want to leak the default route (Plus other prefixes, based on community tags) to a VRF.....just after some guidance on how best to achieve this?...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-16-2009 05:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-05-2017 05:02 AM
Posts 218
Total Helpful Votes Received 20
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