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Member since ‎10-30-2010

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Introduction:Prerequisites:Requirements:Components Used:Problem: Script: Introduction: This document describes about implementing an EEM script where a MPLS traffic engineering tunnel flaps randomly and the network administrator or the TAC engineer w...
Default static route redistribution into EIGRP in Nexus 7000 3  different ways of redistribution static default route into EIGRP with  Nexus 7000 is outlined here. Just can be used as a quick reference guide  to answer simple customer queries.My top...
Hi,My requirement is to run IBGP between my 2-byte BGP speaker with an router reflector which is  a 4-byte ASN BGP speaker. Can someone let me know how to do this? I could not use local-as feature with IBGP but works fine with EBGP scenarios. Any poi...
Hi all,In some box I see "%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN" message at RP and in some box I see "%LINEPROTO-SP-5-UPDOWN" SP message as well. How to enable  this logging status @ at SP level?ThanksMadhu
Hi all,I have some confusion of the spanning tree terminologies I came across while studying. Can someone explain me clearly on what they and how different they are from others?Sorry for posting so many questions in one thread but I just do not what ...
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Member Since ‎10-30-2010 09:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-28-2017 01:24 AM
Posts 104
Total Helpful Votes Received 81