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Member since ‎03-04-2007

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Hi,I just want to ask what are the dependencies for having an updated Configuration Management. Do I have to click "Sync Archive" everytime? What I'm trying to do is have the Cisco Prime be upto pace with the current configuration of the devices. For...
Hi,Where can I find the polling interval for Topology Services? I noticed that the devices' status is not updated on the map.
Hi,I have a stack of 2 x C3750X. I noticed that when from the output of "show inventory" command, all power supplies does not appear? Only three of them can be seen instead of four. When I checked on the switches physically, all power supplies are up...
Hi,I noticed in Cisco Prime 4.2 when we try to look for devices that are unreachable, we went to Reports>Inventory>Management Status>Unreachable Devices, but the devices indicated there are currently Up. We have another Cisco Prime Demo server not co...
Hi,I noticed that when one of the devices being monitored in Cisco Prime 4.2 went down, it did not appear as "red" immediately on the Topology Services map. It appeared s red maybe after 30 mins or so. Can you help me adjust this?Thanks in advance.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-04-2007 06:40 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-17-2021 12:54 AM
Posts 120