Pedro Serras
Level 1
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Member since ‎12-23-2011

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  • 26 Posts
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Dear All Im working in a project that needs facial recognition for each of the participants in a meeting I need to know if there are some APis available that can allows us to send a video streaming from easc participant i  a meeting  regards  
Hi  We installed cisco room kit plus with a navigator panel and i  initially uploaded sucessfully   some pages to the panel. After that  i want to add new pages to the system and when i tried to do it i got an error message that says  " error widget ...
Dear All  Could someone help me about the correct commant to send to a cisco codec to change the state of a group button and i got always error messages for example to switch group  button with widget ID 1 for button 1 i used the following command  x...
Dear All  I have a cisco MCU 5300 that was installed in a datacenter that had power problems and the MCU has been damaged it has the alarm light at the front panel lighted  and if we connect the computer to the console port after the boot period the ...
Subject: Cisco C40 Software Upgrade incompatibilityDate: 8/5/2019Dear SirsWe have in hands a C40 Codec with the serial number FTT1846015M . The Costumer upgraded the firmware for the version TC7.2.1.cb31c3d.The is not working correctly ; After a rebo...
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Member Since ‎12-23-2011 09:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-21-2024 04:05 AM
Posts 26
Total Helpful Votes Received 1
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