Bob Bagheri
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-02-2009

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  • 123 Posts
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I have a customer who purchased an ESA appliance strictly for outbound email encryption.   Their topology for ingress: Public Internet >>>>> Baracuda MTA >>>>>Exchange The egress topology is the reverse.  I'm injecting the ESA for encryption.  Exchan...
Hi, I just deployed AMP for my first alpha test devices however, I don't see anyway to notify an administrator if an endpoint is compromised or a threat is detected.  Am I missing something here?  I would assume that alerts / email notification  woul...
All, I have a WLC 2500 connected via LDAP to a Microsoft DC.  I can authenticate via LDAP just fine using the Web portal method.  However, I can't get my client to authenticate with PEAP/LEAP. Do I need a RADIUS (NPS) server on top of my AD controlle...
Fellow mobility engineers, Can I have two controllers running different code (7.6 and 8.x) in a mobility group?  I have some AP's that need new code and my customer doesn't want to upgrade from 7.6.  However, they have another controller with 8.x in ...
All, Quick question about Flexconnect.  If my client has a local AD server at the branch office as well and the WAN connection fails, can a new client still authenticate to the local AD server at the branch? I'm sure the answer is yes, but I just wan...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-02-2009 05:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-27-2018 12:07 AM
Posts 123
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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