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Member since ‎11-06-2010

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  • 72 Posts
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  • 39 Helpful votes Received
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Hi, I am trying to change ospf route metric but i can't. I have tried distribute-list with prefix-list but it is not work. Is there any way as ospfv2 router ospf 1 distance 89 20 !access-list 20 permit host
Hello all, I have a Cisco 7965 phone, it is working correctly but speaker is not working, when i call this phone led on the handset is flashing, but it is not ringing. I have resetted phone and tried DND but it is not working. What could be the probl...
Hello all, i have a 7965 phone, i have resetted this phone using 123456789*0# and 3491672850*# now it is not booting, when i start it headset, mute, speaker leds flashing after that line leds flashing but after this closing phone. what should i do,
Hello all, I have a cisco 7965 phone but it is not booting, when i connect it to cisco 3550 switch all buttons and screen flashing and it is shutting down.what could be the problem.
does 5700 have the heat-map support? can i load a floor-plan to the controller. i know we can make this with wcs. aruba saying that in 7200 specifications controller must have load floor plan option.
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-06-2010 01:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-01-2023 12:18 AM
Posts 72
Total Helpful Votes Received 39
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