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Member since ‎02-13-2013

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Hello,I'm making the specification for UC infrastructure deployment. Besides the hadrware (2x UCS blade platforms, 3000x IP-phones 7945G, 1000x IP-phones 8945, 40x Tandberg EX90, 2x CUBE bundles) and the software (VMware vSphere 5.1 + vCenter) I need...
Hello, In Zone Based Firewall (ZBS) on ISR routers there is the feature "zone pair". It is very convenient to set up different policies between different zones and its directions (e.g. INSIDE-DMZ, OUTSIDE-DMZ, DMZ-OUTSIDE, INSIDE-OUTSIDE and so on). ...
Hello,I am interesting in 2 bundles (WS-C4507RE+96V+ and WS-C4510RE-S7+96V+) which described in the FAQ of New Cisco Catalyst 4500 E-Series Redundant Chassis (question 9 and 10):WS-C4507R+E and WS-C4510R+E. They say, that both bundles have installed:...
I need to make some perfomances (like up/down GRE tunnels) on Cisco ISR 2921 by sending SMS. It could be doing by using 3G modem like a Huawei and a server with some expect/SSH-scripts.But ISR gen.2 has EHWIC-3G modules, which working with GSM networ...
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Member Since ‎02-13-2013 01:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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