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Member since ‎08-19-2004

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We need to convert off of an existing PRI to a SIP service.  Im relatively new to the configuration so be gentle on me.  Our SIP trunk to our hosted service is working fine (tenant 200).  I've built a 2nd tenant 300 with the new SIP service based off...
All,I've got IP SLA setup on a pair of 2900 series routers running the uck9 license. I only have PVDM3 installed on both routers, no voice cards or anything. These are merely meant for ip sla monitoring for our voice. I've setup the below configurati...
This 9001 router is stuck in boot loop and I have yet to figure this out.  Ive tried 6.1.4 vm file and 4.3.4 vm file load from rommon boot using tftp but neither works.  I get the below errors when I get vm loaded from rommon.  The install completes ...
We have a UCMP and UCMS boxes hosted over WAN.  We also have a PRI on a local voice gateway with H323 and SIP bound to loopback 0.  There are over 250 phone at this location and we want to ensure that SRST works if the WAN connectivity fails.  Howeve...
Scenario: We have 2 VRF's INTERNET and INTERNAL NAT VASI left, and NAT VASI right are configured for this ISR 4K. We are forcing Internet traffic through the VASI left and into VASI right (ip nat inside) and out our public interface G0/0/1. I am usi...
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Member Since ‎08-19-2004 03:50 PM
Date Last Visited ‎07-11-2024 11:43 PM
Posts 94
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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