Sami AlSawaftah
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Member since ‎03-07-2011

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Hi I am trying to check VNXe 3200 Connectivity with SFP+ ( Cisco UCS 6249 - UCS 6248 Switches ) will the 10 GB iscsi fiber / Copper connect directly to the UCS 6248 and what is the type of Cables ? will SFP and SFP+ connect to each other or that will...
HiIf we got Nexus 1000V from VMWARE , can we add the N1K to our CCO ( Cisco Account ) to have direct support from Ciscoas sometimes it take some more time to get answer from VMWARE -> CiscoThanks
Sorry please close and delete Threadopened here by mistake it is Brocade
HelloI have many questions to help withas I have Nexus 1000V on an ESXi2 and was trying to add ESXi1 toall ports were showing downso after checking configuration on ESXi's , they both show the old ip of Nexus while i set a new ip in different range b...
HelloI have installed Nexus 1000V Primarry and Secondary on different ESXisbut i will have to turn off the Primary , how to make sure the Secondary will be in charge and wont have any Disconnectionshow module shows them and seem to be okany other che...
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Member Since ‎03-07-2011 02:46 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:01 AM
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