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Level 1
Member since ‎05-01-2014

User Statistics

  • 9 Posts
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User Activity

Hi all, I'm looking for a solution / howto configuration for setting up a SIP trunk between CUCM 11.0 and a SIP-VoIP provider.Got SIP username, password and SIP-proxy IP from the provider. I am not sure how to do it, can I do it without CUBE ( direct...
I have a question.   If I configure 2 different CUCM with same backup server and path, will they over write each other or will they backup two different files?   Is there a way, we can change the DRF backup file name when we configure a Backup?   Tha...
Recently, my office switched to office 365 from Exchange, in this process they changed the email ID domain and structure too. Example: ------------ First name =  Peter and Last name = Parker. Old Email ID = New Email ID = peter.park...
My company took over another company.  They have CUCM 9.1. We are already running CUCM 10.5 and IMP 10.5.  Recently we synced LDAP between the CUCM servers. So, all end users in the their cucm is now in our cucm too. Now they want to have Jabber thr...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-01-2014 03:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-12-2020 12:27 AM
Posts 9