DUDE! Thank you so much for posting this. I have been searching for quite a while on why my SFP-10/25G-csr's between a Cat 9300 and Nexus 91380yc-fx werent coming up. mine are in a port channel and the speed nonegotiate wouldnt take on the Cat sw...
Look in status messages page on ATA-187.You should see something like 2014/01/21 10:18:34:544 File Not Found : CTLSEPC789D6655001.tlvIn this case, C789D6655001 will be the MAC of line 2. D0C789D66550 is line 1, so it moved everything left 2 spaces...
Why are you throwing port 120 into the mix? FTP is 20 for Data and 21 for commands.Here is what i enter on my 881W to enable FTP to an internal server ( with port forwarding from my DHCP internet connection:ip nat inside source static t...