Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-06-2008

User Statistics

  • 15 Posts
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User Activity

Im having a little trouble working out what the heat map on Prime is showing me.  Im looking at the cooverage heatmap - and on the side of the map i can see the dBm from -35 to -90 - which from what i understand is SNR signal.  from what ive been rea...
We have syslog set up on a remote site - we've got an issue with ISP line going down, so obviously so does our tunnel, and then we lose syslog back to our central site.  Is there away to set up the syslog messages from a firewall so that it buffers l...
Hi I've got 2 x 3850 switchs in a stack Switch1 Active - PRI - 15 Switch2 Standby - PRI - 14 I want to change the switch number so that switch 2 is switch 1 and vice versa - I then want to change the priority of the switch as well.  I know the comm...
Hi i understand that on an 802.1q link you need both ends to agree on the native vlan, and that any traffic that isn't tagged will drop into the native vlan.  But whats confusing me is if you've got a network set up then surely your tagging all vlan ...
Im trying to run Config Pro from my laptop to access a 877 router.  When the program installs it says Internet explorer with Jave 1.6.11 - not present and adobe flash 10 not present.But i've got java installed - and have selecteed that particular ver...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-06-2008 03:05 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-29-2020 12:06 AM
Posts 15