Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎06-11-2013

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  • 287 Posts
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  • 62 Helpful votes Given
  • 30 Helpful votes Received
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We have a single ISP. We connect to that ISP via a 1G fibre ethernet connection into a private MPLS network. This uses BGP routing for the fibre ethernet.We are thinking of utilising a backup connection (using VRRP) to the same ISP into the same MPLS...
Hi, I need to reach a secondary router internal subnet which is at the end of an ASA ipsec tunnel (see attached)For clients on Router A ( to reach clients on Router B (, would it just be a case of entering a static route e...
I'm just implementing ZBF on a router and trying to secure the SELF zone.Our router peers to the ISP 's PE router on a /30.Should we just allow the PE router eg host eq BGP or allow the the BGP subnet eq bgp?
Hi, we have ZBF running on an IOS 15.4. It is logging dropped packets to a syslog server.We can't seem to log passed packets as there is some traffic we are interested in.We've tried auit-trail and alert on but still not seeing anything of interest.A...
I understand the difference between match-any and match-all but still have a few questions:in match-any - if an ACL is specified like so to a class-map:ip access-list extended LOCAL_TO_REMOTEpermit ip object-group LOCAL_LAN object-group REMOTE_LANcla...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-11-2013 02:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-30-2020 12:04 AM
Posts 287
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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