Muhammad Irfan
Level 1
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Member since ‎11-04-2009

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Dear All,   Is there any part number to upgrade/migrate CME licenses from ISR 3800 to ISR 4351 CME. Also how we can migrate CUE licenses to new virtual CUE or unity connection.   Thanks in advance.
Dear All,   We are using Nexus N9K-C93180YC-EX  and  N9K-C93120TX in Nexus OS mode, Now customer wants to migrate these switches in ACI Mode. Kindly advise what is required additional on these existing switches. Do I need Essential or advantage licen...
Dear All,   One of our customer wants to play message before ring the phones. we have random 400 numbers where he wants to play the message. I know this is possible with UCCX but we have CUCM 11.5, CUC 11.5 and different voice gateways. Any workaroun...
Dear Team, Can we reserve the agent first then initiate the courtesy call back to Customer in Cisco PCCE.   Thanks in Advance.
Dear All, Just one clarification, we need to add an additional display for the presentation.   Now in the existing setup we have only one display for the presentation in the bottom centre and we need to mount an additional display on the top for pr...
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Member Since ‎11-04-2009 01:04 PM
Date Last Visited ‎02-22-2023 12:01 AM
Posts 191
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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