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Level 4
Member since ‎04-06-2006

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  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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Hello all,I need to update tacacs on a few nexus 3500 switches and it includes updating the switch domain name.  Does this change require that I generate a new RSA key?  Please let me know.Thank you.  
I had a situation where I was rushing to finish a switch configuration and didn't have time to add the tacacs commands.  I accidently left the Line Con 0 config blank and it meant we couldn't connect to the switch without having someone actually prov...
We have a 9800-CL Wireless Controller running 17.12.2.  We just got a new CW9164I-ROW AP and its registered by the operational interfaces are down due to a regulatory domain error.  Is there a way to change the regulatory domain for the access point?...
Hello all,I am in the process of configuring a new hardware to replace our existing core Catalyst 4500 switches with Cisco 9500 switches.  I have two port channels with the following configuration:interface Port-channel2switchportswitchport mode trun...
I have a number of switches that need to be upgraded but it takes a LONNNNG time to copy the firmware from the external server I need to use to the switches.  I have the new firmware on one of the 9300 switches.  I haven't used the command to copy th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-06-2006 05:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-15-2024 02:12 PM
Posts 426
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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