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Member since ‎05-03-2001

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I have cat6513, sup720 (ver 12.2(18)SXF3) and wlsm (ver 2.1(1)). I have L2 and L3 vlan 11 interface (ip in same subnet as wlsm admin vlan) configured on sup720 and "wlan module 2 allowed vlan 11"I can ping the wlsm from the sup720 (and vice versa) bu...
I am using vpn client v4.0.1 to establish an ipsec over UDP tunnel to a pix525. The tunnel establishes and authenticates against radius. I get ip address from the pool and all looks ok. The only problem is I cannot pass traffic over the tunnel. Any i...
I have a network based on 4 nodes in a ring topology (BK - DL - DH - WH). Two (physically adjacent) nodes (BK and DL) are running BGP (iBGP with each other and eBGP with two nodes from the same ISP). The ISP is advertising a default route only to bot...
We have a 3640 accepting analogue and isdn calls and authenticating users using radius via a IAS service running on win2k server. All is working well apart from isdn which looks like it's passed authentication ("Pass" on debug radius) but the user ge...
I have a pix firewall which I was planning to place between our msfc and our isp link. Since the connection to the isp is 100Mbps I didn't see the need to use another (border) router for media conversion.We plan to run ebgp through the pix and have t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-03-2001 07:40 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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