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Level 4
Member since ‎06-27-2011

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Hi I tried "show route x.x.x.x/x detail" command but the output didn't include the community value. Is there a different command to verify that information?
I observed a interesting behaviour while I was setting up a LAB yesterday- OSPF on serial links/Point to Point links ignore the mismatched subnet mask and form a full adj while the same config on a ethernet/broadcast links throws out an error saying ...
Can anyone give me a scenario where "no discard router internal/external" route command be used, i am having hard time to some up with a useful scenario.Thanks in adavance..             Siddhartha       
I did a search for this topic and read couple of posts but didn't get a clear idea- Can someone explain my below questions1- Why does the MTU mismatch make the routers stuck between 2-way and exstart state- OSPF build a DB or LSU with more than 1500 ...
Does upgading WCS will affect the controllers or production wireless clients in anyway?we are currently running on and my plan is to upgrade it then to NCS and then to Prime 1.2Please let me know if you see any issues in it.Thanks...
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Member Since ‎06-27-2011 09:46 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-18-2018 12:03 AM
Posts 318
Total Helpful Votes Received 118
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