Ovindo Prastyo Utomo
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎05-21-2013

User Statistics

  • 113 Posts
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  • 5 Helpful votes Received

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Hello everyone, Currently we're in the middle of CMS deployment,below the detail :CMS version 3.0Standalone single combined We use OpenLDAP for user integration.As you probably know that by default CMS will generate random number for each user's Call...
Hi All,   Please help, what is default password for Cisco Prime Collaboration Assurance 11.5 or 12?   Regards,   Ovindo
Hi, As my subject above, I need to ask several questions regarding CWMS TLS encryption, I have CWMS 50users version 2.5 with DigiCert Wildcard as SSL Certificate, I do have IRP also for user that connected via internet. below are my questions : 1. H...
Hi All, I have one question regarding RMS license consumption. I have cisco UC environment with below : CUCM v11.5 CUP v11.5 Expressway Core v8.8.3 Expressway Edge v8.8.3 My CUCM configured using mixed mode,  all of our user devices (IP Phone, Jabb...
Hi, Currently we have two cluster CUCM and each cluster use different domain, first domain is cp.co.id and second domain is cpi.sg. Jabber local and jabber MRA work fine in each site. My question, is it possible for Jabber via MRA from cluster cp.co...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-21-2013 01:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-05-2022 12:31 AM
Posts 113
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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