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Member since ‎01-04-2010

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I'm interested in knowing what others are doing lately with regard to device choice on a private WAN Metro Ethernet connection when feature requirements are met by both an L3 switch and router. Thanks, Chris
At present I have two DMVPNs in place over the internet. One hub per DMVPN. All spokes and the hubs utilize the internet for the DMVPN. I have one new location that has a metro-ethernet link from it's spoke router to one of the hub routers (this hub ...
Hello, I'm looking for thoughts, opinions, and experiences with opting to go with Nexus in the LAN core vs. a Catalyst 4500/6500/6800. Not concerned about FWSM/WISM modules or PoE - purely L3 routing, multicast rp, etc. Thanks, Chris
Are the settings and policies of a local ASA with FirePOWER wiped out or overridden upon adding the device to be managed by FireSIGHT Management Center? I have an ASA which has been functioning standalone with FP and need to now add it to FireSIGHT D...
Is there a way to use a wav file recording as the standard greeting for a user mailbox as opposed to recording the greeting from an IP phone? Platform is Cisco Unity Express 3.0.Kind regards,CB                  
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Member Since ‎01-04-2010 01:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-31-2017 06:00 PM
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