Dario Francesco Vanin
Level 1
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Member since ‎03-25-2012

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Hi guys, When I SSH into my home test server I see the following error on Putty: "The first key-exchange algorithm supported by the server is diffie-hellman-group1-sha1".  As SHA1 is no longer secure, I'd like to switch to something more secure. ...
Hi guys,I upgraded our Cisco ASA 5520 with a Cisco ASA 5585. Though both ASA were configured with default TCP Idle Connection Timeout values people are now starting to complaint that idle SSH connections are being terminated. They are claiming it did...
Hi guys,I am currently managing two ASA5550 that are running a quite outdated (14-Dec-10) System image file (asa824-k8.bin). These firewalls are working in Active/Standby mode.I'd like to update their System Image to their newest release, but I canno...
Hi guys,I am tryingto add a new VLAN on my C3560E Layer 3 switch for administration purpose.My goal is to make this VLAN for administration only and to let the administrators from connect to any host of the internal network plus...
Hi guys,I have configured my ASA5520 to act as VPN server. It accepts connections from the internet and then it authenticates the user to a Windows 2008 Server via Radius.Everything works fine if I use the VPN client embedded in Microsoft Windows. Co...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-25-2012 07:27 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 116
Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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