Trent Hurt
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Member since ‎06-14-2006

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  • 105 Posts
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Just curious if any updated device profiles have been made available for download via the feed service in ISE 1.2? 
What are folks thoughts regarding increasing the beacon interval as well as the dtim interval on a very large byod data ssid? I know the dtim increases for voice but I'm interested in upping those settings on regular data ssid.Sent from Cisco Technic...
If I have a PI 1.2 system that has multiple interfaces configured I can upgrade to PI 1.3 and both interfaces remain and I can see both under the admin webpage under appliance interfaces.  But if I do a fresh install of PI 1.3 I can only configure on...
I was told that in order to do video calls thru CUCILync that I would also need to install CUVA drivers.  I cannot find CUVA mentioned anywhere in documentation about CUCILync.  Is this true do I need to install CUCILync and the old CUVA software in ...
We have purchased  2 C210 M2 servers one for DMM (DMM-SVR-C210-K9) and one for SNS (SNS-SVR-C210EN-K9)  We now would like to setup a DMM cluster (primary, secondary)  and use the server that was going to be SNS as the backup DMM server.  Is this poss...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-14-2006 11:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-24-2024 01:37 AM
Posts 105
Total Helpful Votes Received 50