Anthony W.
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-26-2008

User Statistics

  • 35 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 61 Helpful votes Received

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All,I have a basic EZ VPN and my outside interface has a standard ACL firewall.  I can VPN into the system just fine and have access to all internal items but I have no internet access.  The router log shows:003253: Aug 22 15:22:26.456 MDT: %SEC-6-IP...
Hello,I have no idea why my Cisco EZVPN is not working.  I have used a very similar config before and it worked just fine.  I am using a Cisco 1751V running c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25c IOS.  I have tried just about every combo if crypto and hash...
I think I already know the answer for this but I just wanted to make sure.  We have 4 7985 phones and we are able to make point to point video calls but once we conference the video goes away and we only have audio.  I know the VT Advantage software ...
First off, thanks in advance for helping out on this.  I know it should be easy but for some reason I cant figure it out. I have set up a test CCME and everything is working just fine.  I have 2 phones and they are registered and all is well.  What I...
Hello,I am running a 10 digit dial plan in a CallManger 4.1 environment, but each site is only dials 4 digits internally. This is working just fine. The issue I have is when I drop into SRST mode; the phones register as full 10 digit numbers to the...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-26-2008 10:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-14-2022 01:41 AM
Posts 35
Total Helpful Votes Received 61
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