06-14-2010 11:11 PM
I have no idea why my Cisco EZVPN is not working. I have used a very similar config before and it worked just fine. I am using a Cisco 1751V running c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25c IOS. I have tried just about every combo if crypto and hash types. I am using Cisco VPN Client
When connecting I am getting these errors on the debug crypto isakmp errors
Encryption algorithm offered does not match policy!
001240: Jun 14 20:04:31.241 HAWAII: ISAKMP:(0:0:N/A:0):atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3
001241: Jun 14 20:04:31.241 HAWAII: ISAKMP:(0:0:N/A:0):Encryption algorithm offered does not match policy!
001242: Jun 14 20:04:31.245 HAWAII: ISAKMP:(0:0:N/A:0):atts are not acceptable. Next payload is 3
001298: Jun 14 20:04:31.277 HAWAII: ISAKMP:(0:0:N/A:0): group size changed! Should be 0, is 128
001299: Jun 14 20:04:31.277 HAWAII: ISAKMP (0:0): Unknown Input IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_AM_EXCH: state = IKE_READY
001300: Jun 14 20:04:31.281 HAWAII: %CRYPTO-6-IKMP_MODE_FAILURE: Processing of Aggressive mode failed with peer at
001301: Jun 14 20:04:31.281 HAWAII: ISAKMP:(0:0:N/A:0):deleting SA reason "Phase1 SA policy proposal not accepted" state (R) AG_NO_STATE (peer
Here is my config:
aaa authentication login VPN_AUTH local
aaa authorization network VPN_AUTH local
06-15-2010 01:56 AM
Type encr 3des under crypto isakmp policy10
e.g :
crypto isakmp policy 10
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
06-15-2010 02:00 AM
can you post debug isakmp sa
06-15-2010 03:21 AM
06-16-2010 07:16 AM
Hi Anthony,
Can you post your run conf also plz let me know which router is ur Remote router & which is Main router, It will be a great if you will send me a configuration of both router.
06-16-2010 11:23 AM
There is only 1 router and my PC with the Cisco VPN client. I can post the whole config but its pretty long and most of it is voice stuff that is really not important. Here is a scrubbed version of my config:
version 12.4
no service pad
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service password-encryption
service sequence-numbers
hostname EANET-1751V
boot system flash:c1700-adventerprisek9-mz.124-25c.bin
security authentication failure rate 3 log
security passwords min-length 6
logging buffered 4096 debugging
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login VPN_AUTH local
aaa authorization network VPN_AUTH local
aaa session-id common
clock timezone HAWAII -10
voice-card 2
no ip source-route
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool DATA
no ip bootp server
ip domain name wrnets.com
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-4229048994
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-4229048994
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-4229048994
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-4229048994
certificate self-signed 01
3082024E 308201B7 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 34323239 30343839 3934301E 170D3130 30353239 30343539
33305A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D34 32323930
34383939 3430819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100AC25 CCB16D1A EAC092F9 824064BD F1BCD667 1D2EC6F7 E4300552 EE614D2D
9F9643D2 EE94AFC4 0C0FE697 FA83E1AE F8738C2E D87BCD59 DCEB5379 B62EDCA0
A589477A 8D50F702 15ED03CB FA8AA46D 689006DA 063863D8 92466193 E75546CA
82A5AC72 3EF4E62B DD4B2CD2 1A07A334 A9D5634F 8F01728E 38D4B2C5 E835D479
52530203 010001A3 76307430 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30210603
551D1104 1A301882 1645414E 45542D31 37353156 2E77726E 6574732E 636F6D30
1F060355 1D230418 30168014 E2FAF5BF 77500BAA D421FE78 3678E34C 67B47314
301D0603 551D0E04 160414E2 FAF5BF77 500BAAD4 21FE7836 78E34C67 B4731430
0D06092A 864886F7 0D010104 05000381 81007820 204CF71E BB788467 367DCAD0
855BDD32 E3A777C0 2CFED20B BD17FE93 5C3491B3 293C8FCB 41F21BCF 8801D05C
AA102220 6AD54AC6 458DDD22 5F2FC298 9B2B5DB0 B8032B57 635736CE 704A925A
9B8F8570 9CD044DA FA6CE56B 5536727C F82C82B2 4C65EAF7 157FF0FD 5865DEF8
055E2935 774DA364 9109DDF9 02AE4E49 492C
log config
ip tcp synwait-time 10
ip ssh version 2
crypto isakmp policy 10
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
crypto isakmp client configuration group VPN_GROUP
crypto ipsec transform-set VPN_TRANSFORM esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto dynamic-map VPN_MAP 10
set transform-set VPN_TRANSFORM
crypto map VPN_MAP isakmp authorization list VPN_AUTH
crypto map VPN_MAP client configuration address respond
crypto map VPN_MAP 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic VPN_MAP
interface Null0
no ip unreachables
interface FastEthernet0/0
description To Time Warner Cable
ip address dhcp
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
speed auto
no cdp enable
crypto map VPN_MAP
interface Vlan100
description DATA VLAN
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
ip local pool VPN_CLIENTS
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http access-class 10
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source list NAT interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
ip access-list extended NAT
permit ip any
06-18-2010 08:56 PM
sorry was busy from last week, can you please tell me if you want to connect ur PC to Router via cisco VPn CLient by using Dial UP, am I right?
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