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Member since ‎11-11-2012

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Hi Team, As titles, just curious, what's the signficance of "pkts not compressed" on "show crypto ipsec sa" , this counters seems to be same as pkts encaps in some cases.       #pkts encaps: 11111, #pkts encrypt: 11111, #pkts digest: 11111      #pkts...
Hi Friends,As per N7K WCCP guide, F1 card doesn't support WCCP, if lets assume the incoming traffic hits a port in F1 card (vlan 999) and we enable WCCP under SVI interface (interface vlan999), will it work? (we have other M1 card on N7K as well)In t...
Hi team,New to NXOS, not sure if this is the right place to post.Just want to know if I run a show-tech in one VDC, will it include information for other VDC as well?Thanks. 
Hi Friends,I guess this question should be asked before but I can't seems to find.As title goes, let's say we use account A to join AD, and after that, what will happen if this account A has been:1. Password expired?2. Deleted? I recently came across...
Hi Expert,Recently came across one issue on client that every time ASA reboots, SSH will not work.It looks very likely that private key seems corrupted as I have to zeroize the old key and regenerate a new one, any idea why this is happening? SSH ses...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-11-2012 10:45 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-16-2018 09:17 PM
Posts 75
Total Helpful Votes Received 22