Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎11-09-2016

User Statistics

  • 46 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 19 Helpful votes Given
  • 55 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

hi all.  we try to integrate ivanti mobile iron and cisco ISE.  But we couldnt send the deviceuniqueidentifier key with GUID variable on cisco secure client apple ios therefore Cisco ISe can not send to a query to the ivanti mdm during cisco secure c...
Hi All We try to upgrade  from CSC 5.1.2 to CSC 5.1.3 via ravpn from Secure Firewall Threat Defence (v7.4.1) but not working.  We try to upgrade same CSC image to 5.1.3 version via CPP (Client Provisioning policy)  from Cisco ISE Posture module . But...
Hi all.  Cisco ISE Posture Windows Patch Management Definition update not working properly.  Cisco ISE version 3.2 patch 5.  Client Agent : Cisco Secure Client 5.1.2 42 Windows client 11 23H2 and Windows Update version is 1023.x.  Comliance Module : ...
Hi All I try to make external identity ODBC integration with Oracle and ISE. and we have a table like following. According to this table i need to get framed-ip-address as attribute for return to the atuhenticated users. how it should be fetch attrib...
Hi All  I want to ask a thing related this ? we have FTD/FMC and along with treat/malware license and we want to block files according to SHA-256 , SHA1 and MD5  signatures. There is no problem with SHA-256 because we can add custom file list as SHA-...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-09-2016 10:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 12:31 AM
Posts 46
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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