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Member since ‎07-16-2002

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I have two 4507's as my aggregation layer switches which are hosting 6 VLAN's supporting 6 IP subnets and each vlan presenting an HSRP address for each IP subnet.When I kill the primary agg switch with the exception of 1 of the vlans the HSRP does n...
Hi I am looking for a really basic AAA Radius login configuration for my Cat4507 to authenticate to MS IAS.I have reviewed all documentation on cisco website and am clearly having trouble understanding this!!(user error)Btw, I can ping my raduis serv...
Hi IS there a device package in CWorks LMS for the Cat4507's or am I missing a trick? I have added 4 x Cat4507r's to our infra and cannot find a device package for the Cworks LMS.We are running LMS v2.1.Any advice much apprecaited.Many thanksMakkers
Hi IS there a device package in CWorks LMS for the Cat4507's?I have added 4 x Cat4507r's to our infra and cannot find a device package for the Cworks LMS.We are running LMS v2.1.Any advice much apprecaited.Many thanksMakkers
Has anyone ever found a continuous ping feature in IOS version 12. or above?I cant believe that Cisco can only allow you you to ping more than 5 packets from an extended ping command.Surely they must have crafted a continuous ping feature by mow :-...
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Member Since ‎07-16-2002 09:12 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
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