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Member since ‎10-26-2017

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I have a device , a MS Surface tablet with a docking station that could get DHCP info with valid IP and gateway, etc, but would not ping anything on the docking station ethernet port, but would get an IP and surf with it's wifi and with a USB to ethe...
I have about 170 network racks that have UPSs in them, but most of the network snmp cards in the UPSes have gone to sleep or hibernation. I need to wake them all up to web in and configure them. It's a task long over due. I tried pinging the network ...
After a long time with Telnet still available on our network switches, I started deploying a CLI that disabled telnet. Just after I started going through the school sites, one at a time, I realized I had neglected to check mark " Copy running config ...
I'm sure this is extremely basic, but it's the first time I have been tasked with doing this , I want to be sure I have it down and not mess up our network.  If I create a VLAN , I can assign ports on a switch to that VLAN and as long as that switch ...
When I run the " sh VLAN  " the command which shows the VLANs what is active and what it is described does not match what the "sh run" command shows me as defined. I have one VLAN in the " sh VLAN " command that doesn't even exist in the running conf...
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Member Since ‎10-26-2017 10:54 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 03:16 PM
Posts 52