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Member since ‎09-24-2002

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  • 33 Posts
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Hi,I'm getting mad cause I don't find a valid configuration for T.37 onramp faxing with directly to the routers fxs-port attached Fax-machines.I tried on cisco1760 and cisco2610XM with IOS-versions 12.3(8)T9,12.3(8)T11 and 12.3(14)T5. Onramp script i...
Hi,I've the problem that my CAT6K-Switches with Sup1A are facing a very high CPU-Load caused by BPDU-Traffic of about 400 VLANs. I wanted to migrate to MST but because I will still have PVST+ Switches, and it cannot be garantied that there is only on...
Hi together,I´m relatively new to IDS and sorry I have to say documentation is lousy! I configured a IDS-Module (Sw:3.0(7)S106) on the cat6500 (Sw:7.6(1)) with Cisco Works Management Center 1.23 for blocking and the Cat6500 as a VACL Blocking Device,...
Hi my problem is that I can nowhere find a Documentation about the routing behaviour of the Firewall Service Module if there is a OSPF-Route from one Interface and having a static route from the other.In the documentation is written that static route...
Hi,I configured Large scale Dialout with Cisco Secure ACS 2.6 and tried a whole bunch of different IOSes.Dial-In works fine also with ppp-callback.When dialing out with the "-out" user the router dials out and also authentication seems to work fine, ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-24-2002 06:22 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-03-2021 10:28 PM
Posts 33